"The GREEN Webcyclopedia"
"An understanding of what GREEN is all about ".
It's a step towards
"Life with Purpose" .
This website is a compilation of websites and videos that make learning about the environment fun and interesting.
We focus on the fun and the interesting ways that people all over the world live their lives
with environmentally friendly lifestyles.
Understanding the different environmental friendly lifestyles is a key step in moving forward as we are faced with Environmental challenges.
Adaptation and sustainability are key factors
that could be instilled in kids of all ages.
This site does not just focus on one set of rules.
It focuses on lifestyle approaches
as well as knowledge gained through
experience and research.
There are 31 pages on this site.
You can use the side bar when on a laptop or desktop or the three lines in the upper left on an Ipad or phone to navigate.
Kids of all ages can benefit and learn from this site.
A life with purpose can be born.