People who are using their brains to think, just keep getting better and better when it comes to these GREEN Ideas and Technology.
It can be so impressive and I'll tell you, it's so interesting.
When we look at the past, we can't help but notice how technology has changed over the years. Look at the progress through the invention of machines and how they become smaller in time or more efficient.
The first computer for example was 50 feet long, weighed about 5 tons and had around 750,000 separate parts and was mostly mechanical.
Today the smallest computer is about .3mm and is smaller than a grain of rice.
Now that's progress.
It took some real thinking over the years for that to happen.
That's why GREEN Ideas and Technology are important. Some things can take years to develop, so it's never too early to start putting that brain to work and do some thinking. Engage in go green activities along the way.
These videos will get you on track and help you learn.
GREEN ideas and GREEN Technology will start flowing through your head and you will become a GREEN Thinker.