There are many descriptions for the word GREEN.
We searched the web and have compiled the GREEN Webcyclopedia based on the different concepts of GREEN as it applies to Environmental Concerns.
This is a great resource for learning, teaching and exploring the web for environmentally friendly websites and information.
It is important to understand that we do not all share the same views. The info we share opens up doors of communication and discussion. The links provide GREEN resources and environmental programs, GREEN thinking, ideas and actions. These are important tools to have as we move forward in our lives on planet Earth.
The GREEN Webcyclopedia is a resource of information for everyone.
It does link into the goinGREENkids program
with additional tools as well.
The sidebar on the left links directly to pages by category.
The GREEN Webcyclopedia is broken down into 9 separate categories in order to make research and points of interest easily assessible.
It takes hours to search the web on your own and we hope this site will help you in your search for GREEN concepts, ideas and Information.